Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Hello all! This is Katie. For all curious people I'm going to recap everything that's happened between Rachael's post and the last update on the vacation. It's been a while so I won't go into too much detail. Pretty much after vacation happened we came back and our noses were to the grindstone. I think our professors all thought it was time to up the ante, which obviously we were not really prepared for, but what can you do?

So after getting back from our Italy/Barcelona tour, Rachael and I both took a good look at our bank accounts to determine what we could do with our resources. We budgeted for the vacation and of course we knew it would be no small sum, but various surprises and higher costs for a few things took a toll.

We narrowed down our list of where we wanted to go and decided for our next weekend trip we would head to Bordeaux (Nov 7-11; we had Monday the 11th off because it's Armistace day and they take there armistice seriously. Nearly everything is shut down). There we saw the Place des Quinconces and the huge fountain.

We also saw the Cathedrale Saint Andre which is huge and old and in the middle of some much needed reconstruction. Pollution is not so friendly to pierre de taille (cut stone)
And then we managed to hit the Botanical Gardens during the one thirty minute interval it was not cold and rainy, so that was really nice. As for the rest of our weekend, we bought all of our meals at the grocery store and picknicked, tried to see a few other things (like the Musee de Beaux-Arts) but they were closed for one reason or another that was out of the norm. However, we did treat ourselves to a beautiful Thai/Cambodian dinner our last night and we got a bottle of Bordeaux wine to go with it. Took that sucker down and we were cheerful for the rest of the night. Until we watched Grey's Anatomy that is, because that always pulls all the sad out of  you.
The moments when we were tired of being cold, wet failures we took over a corner of the hotel's lobby/common area to load Grey's Anatomy episodes and update the blog on our vacation. We also got a lot of sleep, which was helpful after the Return Week of Hell.
The next weekend (Nov 15-17) we stayed in Paris because there were a few Taste of France events going on. Friday we went to a boulangerie (bakery) and helped (sort of) make some croissants and pain au chocolat. We also got to taste pretty much everything he had and it was so delicious! He  was a charming fella and I think he enjoyed chatting with us as much as we did with him. We didn't eat lunch before that so we were running off of a sugar high until dinner that night.
Leloup Gourmand: 129 Rue du Temple, 75003 Paris, France
In case anyone's in Paris soon and needs a recommendation. :D
Saturday we went to the Atelier des Gateaux (23 Rue de l'Abbe Gregoire, 75006). That was also really fun because we got to go into the baking room and actually make macarons. We have the recipes too so if anyone wants to know how, Rachael and I got this. It's actually kind of similar to making mousse at certain steps. This moment was the first time either of us actually tasted a macaron which is kind of surprising because it seems like there's a shop for them on every corner in certain parts of Paris.
Sunday we went to Musee D'Orsay to work on some Impressionism homework and then we explored the Masculin et Masculin exhibit, which was pretty much an exposition on the male body portrayed through various mediums of art from around the 1800's to now. More info in that very long link.

The following weekend (Nov 22-24) was another weekend in Paris. We were becoming quickly aware that we had not actually done much exploring of the capital and there was an excursion for Architecture arranged for Friday morning.  We went to Cite de l'Architecture to see the exposition on Art Deco and Art Nouvelle, which was actually pretty interesting, because it offered a new way to understand those years around the World Wars with the advancement of technology and how that impacted our interpretation of art and beauty.
Also got to talk to my family because the 22nd was Mom's Birthday and she got to open the presents I got her from Italy!!! ( I am so pumped for Christmas when I can give everyone all of the things!)
On the 23rd Rachael and I went to the Champs-Elysees. Now this street is famous and all, shopping capital of the world and what have you but there was no way we would have been able to spend a whole day there if not for the huge Christmas market that had been set up. Rachael nearly had a fainting goat moment; we walked out of the metro right into the middle of it. There were lights and music and smells and Christmas pretty much engulfing us. And Rachael finally found the chicken noodle soup she's been searching for since getting here. They also had really good French Onion soup and mulled wine.
This is what it looks like at night. Probably about the fourth or fifth time we'd been by it.

On the 24th, Rachael and I met at the Louvre and wandered around for a good couple of hours. As usual it was packed, but we actually managed to find the quiet section with a bathroom all to ourselves. I didn't actually believe it was possible and yet there was privacy and quiet...
And then we went to the Christmas market to get lunch :)

The following week was kind of weird because Thanksgiving was the 28th and talking to our people back home, everyone had time off and were preparing for the beautiful day of Eating. But that was not the case here obviously because the French don't celebrate it. The program took us out to dinner which was actually really delicious and the atmosphere was warm and intimate. We got wine and desert and there was good cheer had by all.

Friday Rachael and I tried to arrange passage to Strasbourg but seeing as how it's the biggest Christmas market in Europe I believe, the tickets were unbelievably expensive. There was a deal on the website for Saturday, round trip which was incredibly affordable. Of course trying to pursue that option lead us into a snafu with the SNCF people. We went twice the train station and called them through customer service and all three times they pretty much told us that what we were looking at didn't exist and that we were wrong/crazy. The lady on the phone made the most sense and said that those tickets had sold out a long time ago and just weren't a real option...
So Rachael was quite saddened by that, but we tried to stay busy and really have fun in our last free weekend in Paris.
Rachael pretty much covered everything we did last weekend. Friday: Montmartre, Catacombs, Christmas Market, Arc-de-Triomphe.
 Near the end of the Catacombs.
View from the top of the Arc-de-Triomphe
Saturday: Montparnasse cemetery and park, then the Zingaro-Calacas Show.

Sunday, Dec 1 we made and consumed our version of a Thanksgiving dinner. I think we did a pretty good job even with the setbacks. We had yummy food for that day, and then we also brought it in Monday and shared with everyone. Even Dabia tried a little bit of everything.
Afterwards, we parted ways. I went back to my quartier to do some more exploration to complete a paper for Architecture due the next day. Failed at getting into the Montmartre Cemetery. Instead discovered Sextopia, otherwise known as Pigalle. Which is where the Moulin Rouge is located, in case anyone was interested. And then I went to Jeremy's homestay to watch a dance/play spectacle. It was pretty interesting, very artsy to say the least. A wonder in and of itself how they managed to fit that many people in the home, but they pulled it off. It was a lot of fun and a good way to end the weekend.
This is our last week of classes before exams officially start and I think we're all feeling a mixture of nervous stress and also relieved joy for making it this far and being so close to going home. We're also running around like mad mice trying to fit in all of those last activities we hadn't gotten around to yet.
This upcoming weekend is the trip to Bruges, Bruxelles, and Lille and Rachael and I are very excited because we get to go to three different Christmas markets! Hoping to finish off my gift list for people back home as well. After the exams we'll have that Friday to pack everything up and do maybe one or two last things. Saturday the 14th we fly home!!!
Updates later. Hopefully soon after this upcoming weekend completes before the madness of exams. If not, then we can just tell everyone in person :D
A bientot <3

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